Become An Inspiring Speaker

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Who Are You Counting On?

As you grab your things for the day and take one last look in the mirror, do you say to yourself - "I love my life" or do you say "I never signed up for this life; someone give me another one." The person in the mirror is you. You are responsible for your actions and you are accountable for your results. Do you catch yourself complaining, blaming others, or making excuses for your current situation? You may not even realize that you do it. Make yourself aware of how often you do this by keeping track of all the times you do it so you can change it.

You have helped create the situation you are in today. You may not be able to control the weather or the stock market but you can control what actions you take to change your current situation. Have you ever tried to change someone else? Were you successful? Probably not. The reason is because you cannot change the action of others. You can only control and change your own actions. Own your power! When you complain, blame others, and make excuses for the results of your current situation, you are moving farther away from your desired results. You are giving away your power to do anything about the situation.

You release your power when you make statements like:
·          "It's not my job."
·         "I cannot do anything about it."
·         "I don't have time."
·         "I didn't know"

You have the power to make a change by being accountable.

Change your statements to "I can" or "I will." Make time for what matters to you. Own your power and create the life you desire. The next time you look in the mirror say, "I can count on you! I love my life!"

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