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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Every Little Breadcrumb Counts Gretel!

Several months ago, I had hit a funk and I was trying to figure out a better system of getting to the gym amongst my kids' hockey schedules and other extracurricular activities. I knew I could always squeeze in a workout during their swimming lessons. I had a personal trainer set up a circuit training program that I could incorporate into my life and adjust as necessary. Prior to this, I would look at the time and say "that's not enough time." I started to catch myself saying this phrase in other areas in my life too, "Not enough time to make a difference."

One day I decided to change my mantra and switch from there is not enough time to one that was "every little bit counts". Think about the bread crumbs that Hansel and Gretel dropped along the way to the Candy House. The bread crumbs were to find their way home. Now bread crumbs are very small, but together they add up. The same goes for any efforts you put in to whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. "Every little bit counts"! It is amazing how much 20 minutes adds up over time and the impact consistent 20 minutes here and 20 minutes there can do. For me, it meant losing 4 lbs during Christmas!

Now every chance I get, I focus on a time frame to get the most out of my efforts. Here are some things you might consider doing to make your life richer and more productive:
  • clean out unwanted emails from your inbox
  • write out 5 thank you notes
  • read a magazine related to your business
  • meditate/pray
  • research tips to share with your friends and newsletter subscribers
  • exercise
Yes, I know several hungry birds ate the breadcrumbs up. Consider those your time wasters. Time is only wasted if you are unhappy with what you have done with it. Phone calls, emails, video games, and social media can consume your time if you are not paying attention. Tracking your time can be a very effective tool in realizing where your time goes. What is your time worth to you? Could it mean more time for:
  • dancing in the kitchen with your kids
  • blowing bubbles in a bubble bath
  • sipping wine by a fireplace
  • snuggling on the couch with your partner
  • proofreading your manuscript or business proposal
  • a leisurely walk in a park

I challenge you. Just try it! Pick a project. Set a timer for 20 minutes and go to it! Do this for the next couple weeks and you will be amazed at the productivity you will have with intense focus.  I would love to hear about your 20 PowerBlaster sessions! Make every minute count!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Do You Need Some Laughing Gas?

Sometimes you have to shake your head. Today, I went to the gas station to fill up with gas as there were talks on the radio that gas was going up in price. Here in Canada gas is 100.9. The particular gas station I was at gives an additional 5 cents off the posted price on Mondays and Thursdays. Today was my lucky day. 5 cent savings per litre. While the gas was being pumped into my silver bullet of a vehicle, a gentleman was climbing a ladder changing the price to 101.9. Yes one cent more. Two vehicles drove away. The attendant was telling me that people were getting upset because gas was going up by one cent and they must drive to get a better deal. The next gas station was 100.9. However, let's do the math. Take 5 cents off per litre or drive to the next gas station (burn more gas) and pay regular price. All I could do was laugh and so did the attendant. One cent. Perhaps they did not read the sign about 5 cents off. Well, by the end of the day gas went up to 109 cents per litre.

Are you getting stressed over the little things? Maybe you need some laughing gas?
Try some of these things:
  • blow up a balloon and let it go
  • laugh with your belly
  • watch a comedy
  • people watch for 30 minutes in a food court
  • blow bubbles with bubble gum (when was the last time you did that?)
  • give an extra 1% effort in all that you do and watch what happens (Laugh as you reap all the rewards of 1% extra effort- You will surprise yourself)
The one cent lesson is worth more than the 2 cents I share. Review your day today. Did you laugh? Did you find the humor in how life works? Please share it with us.

Monday, February 21, 2011

You Spin Me Round Baby

Some of my best moments of inspiration come to me while I am running on the track at the gym, driving my car, or cooking a meal. As I was running the other day, the 80's song "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)" by Dead or Alive played overhead. My legs kept their stride with the music and my thoughts drifted away to "Dead or Alive". Dead or alive is a choice. There are people out in the world who may feel that they have hit a dead end, feel dead inside, and are not consciously living the lives they could be. Then you have the people who feel alive inside and you love to be around them. What is the biggest difference? The answer is simple. They take action. Yes, that is it. Their actions include: making the choice to be happy, making the choice to go after their dreams, and making the choice to make a difference.  Action is a choice.

There are times when I do not feel like going to the gym or ideas do not seem to be flowing when I want to write, however, I have learned that after I have hit the third lap on the track I can run and run. My blood is flowing and I feel great. Why wouldn't I want to feel this good all the time? Same goes for my writing. Even if I sit in front of a blank piece of paper and just start writing whatever comes to my mind, eventually the ideas flow onto the paper. We all need to "step into it". Once you get started, your mindset is transformed into an unstoppable force and ideas come quickly and easily. Make sure you have some paper or index cards nearby to capture these moments. You need to them while they are fresh or you will lose them.

Your mind and body were meant to be in motion. What gets your blood flowing? Where do you get your best ideas? Is there a song out there that gets you pumped up and ready to take action? What choice will you make today?

Enjoy..."You Spin Me  Round" Hit it ...Boy hairstyles have changed.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Go Against the Grain Not with the Flow

Have you ever noticed that when you need a certain resource it tends to show up just when you're ready for it? I had noticed Darren Hardy's book, The Compound Effect in The Success Magazine a few times and I thought it may be a good book to add to my success library. I had listened to a podcast discussing The Compound Effect and it really piqued my interest. I knew I needed to order it. Once I received my book and CDs, I started listening to the audio of The Compound Effect immediately and I began listen to it every chance I got. Hardy’s advice and recommendations on climbing the ladder of success was like tree full of fruit is waiting to be picked. I wanted to take one of these juicy ideas and put it into practice. I decided that I would track my time and what I was doing because we all know there are several time wasters in our lives that we can curb to make our time more productive and more efficient. My time wasters are social media and e-mail. Even though these can be productive tools, they can take up a lot of time without you even realizing. I had tracked my time in the past but never so consciously.

The first day I started writing everything down I became very conscious of what I was doing. It was amazing how much more I accomplished. Not that I don't accomplish things on a normal day but with the increased awareness, I began to acknowledge more of my accomplishments And not only did I perform better, but I started noticing how much more time I had to get the things done I wanted to including more time to spend with family and friends and give back to others.

The biggest lesson was on the second day. I had allotted time to go to the gym however, I decided to check just one more e-mail and before I knew it my gym time had elapsed to twenty five minutes instead of the hour. But because I made a commitment that I needed to go to the gym, 25 minutes was better than nothing. I realized I cheated myself out of the time that I put aside for myself. This may have happened to you. You may have thought to yourself “I’ll just do one more will be quick” only to realize that the one more thing took a lot more time than you realized. Cheating ourselves out of looking after ourselves can be harmful in the long run but with conscious decision-making and following through on our commitments we can achieve so much more.

Many people go through life going with the flow instead against the grain. Going against the grain does not mean encountering resistance. It means doing things differently than everyone else. How many people do you know who use a tracking system in their lives? Ask some people if they have tried it. Try it for yourself for the next 30 days. This exercise can be used in other areas of your life as well such as tracking how often you praise your children, your spending, your food intake, and your activity in relation to exercise. You will quickly see that you may have not been doing as much as you thought you were or perhaps you will notice a lack of harmony in certain areas in your life. When you become more conscious of the decisions that you make, you will notice improvements in the areas that you focus on. If you have felt that you are off track, the slightest adjustments will get you back on the right track.

How many people go with the flow because it's comfortable? No one ever said that being successful would be comfortable but what I do know is that success comes to those who make slight adjustments in their course, persevere, focus on what they truly want, and enjoy the journey.

What slight adjustments have you done in your life? Do you track your progress? Are you consciously making decisions that will help you achieve your goals and desires? Let us know...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Brace for Change and Focus on Your End Result

Today my daughter was outfitted with silver tracks on her smile. Yes, she has braces. For weeks, she delightfully chatted with everyone she encountered that she was going to be getting braces. Her anticipation and excitement about getting braces amazed me. I do not remember my friends or I getting excited about braces. My daughter sees a braces as a milestone in her growth and development. A sign of being a teenager. A sign of change.

Anticipated change can be very exciting. She arranged to have her best friend accompany us to the appointment for support. Thank God for girlfriends. As they were putting the braces on, she asked and asked many questions about everything that was going on. Inquisitive young lady! It is definitely important to be informed and she was not going to miss a beat..."What if this happens...what if that happens..." The hygienist smiled..."It will not be the end of the world." The reassurance was welcomed. My daughter practiced her new smile and was as giddy as ever as she wanted to share this experience with everyone. She beamed...or shone I should say.

A few hours later, she was not beaming. Her eyes welled with tears. My daughter's mouth was uncomfortable and she had difficulty eating. Now, she had wished she could take them off. We brainstormed solutions of comfort...milkshakes, Orange Julius, ice cream, and even french fries. Something soft or cold plus some pain relief. She kept reminding me..."I know I will get use to them and I am going to have a beautiful straight smile." Yes, you will my darling girl, yes you will.

For many of us, change can be exciting or anxiety provoking. If we view change as a good thing and focus on the end result, our efforts do not seem as labor intensive.

"If you change the way you
look at things,
the things you look at change."- Wayne Dyer

Think about an area in your life or business that is undergoing change right now. What type of change is going on? Are you excited or fearful of this change? Here are some ways to help you deal with anticipated change:

Discover Your Support Systems. What people or resources do you have to help you adapt to change in your world? Make a list. Has someone gone through a similar situation?

Be Informed. Make a list of pros and cons. Ask questions about possible scenarios until you feel you have enough information. Ask others who have been in a similar situation for questions you should be asking. Asking is a sign of strength and also makes a person more confident when making decisions.

Brainstorm Solutions. When you are well-informed, you can develop plans of action to overcome any obstacles or unexpected events that may come your way.

Focus on Your End Result. Be adaptable. The path of change is not always smooth, however, when you focus on your end result, you know how great you will feel when you reach your destination and realize what you have accomplished. Visualize it, feel it, and believe it. Doesn't it feel good? Perseverance, flexibility, and focus will be the keys to your success.

Our world is in a constant state of change. You are also evolving and changing into your greatness. Remember you are a work in progress. You do not have to take on change alone, ask for what you want and need to know, find solutions, and see your end result as completed. Don't forget to SMILE!

I am looking forward to the end and celebration but most of all, the journey.