Become An Inspiring Speaker

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Become a Celebrity in Your Own Backyard

This past weekend, the kids and I went back home to visit my parents and go to the country agricultural fair. We prepared cookies, crafts, drawings, Lego, photography, and flowers to be entered into the bench show, all with anticipation of winning 1st, 2nd, or 3rd prize. What a frenzy we were in! We had just met the deadline. Phew!

The event kicked off with a parade and good ole' candy tosses. Before the parade got started, I ran into someone I knew and we started to chat. After I was done visiting, my son turned to me and said,

"Mom, I think we should move to a small town.
Everyone knows each other; it is just like being a celebrity!"

Although, I do not plan on moving anytime soon, his comment spurred a whirlwind of thoughts in my head leading to this blog post. Brilliant!

To showcase your talents and abilities, why not start in your own backyard? Often, these are the people who know you or know of you but do not always know what you do or what skills you possess. When you start to bring this to people’s attention, they will take notice and also want to support your efforts. You may have heard of a campaign "Shop Local". The “Shop Local” Philosophy can start with you! Start advertising or writing articles for your community, whether it is in your local area, town, city, or province or state. Give back to your community by getting involved in a local charity or supporting fundraising efforts. People will get to know you and your work and the word will spread just like coming from a small town. You will be a celebrity in your own backyard!

When you start to branch out into the great big world, sky’s the limit! The backyard will be “the comfort zone or give you a safe feeling of home” and you will slowly and steadily begin to stretch into new areas and new beginnings.

No matter where you come from or where you head to, 
you can always look back to where you started and feel like a celebrity.

We won several prizes and the kids had a blast. My daughter came home with a Blue Ribbon for her age category. Great memories!

Share your story of getting known  and remembered in your community.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Your ASK Matters

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you only asked for what you wanted and needed? Life is kind of like a high school dance from the movies. You sit along the walls of life waiting for opportunity to come and ask you to dance. However, when opportunity arises, you may feel uncomfortable as you reluctantly reach for out toward it. The dance may seem awkward at first but slowly you develop a rhythm. The dance is light and you are swept off your feet. Why? Because others around you have supported you, all because you got up and met opportunity instead of sitting down.

I use this analogy because I have seen time after time, myself included, where you have the opportunity to ask for help and you stop. You stop just as you start to pick up momentum. The music that is playing in your head of chatter starts saying things like this:

"Why would they want to help me?"
"They are so influential and accomplished. I am out of their league."
"You are just going to make a fool or yourself. They will probably laugh."
"They do not have the time of day for me."

Think just for moment. What is the answer right now, without even asking. You are correct if you said a resounding, "NO!" You have not even asked. Your odds improve when you ask for what you want but there is a technique to asking. Sometimes you have to ask more than once and in a different way.

Here is some ways to ask for what you want:

1. ASK the right person or persons. Just like a business meeting, you want the right people at the table at the right time for the right issue at hand. You need to ask a person who already has the knowledge you need or knows someone who can help you.

2. ASK with confidence. You need to be fully present when you ask with no distractions. Believe you can get what you are asking for.

3. ASK knowing the answer is YES. Be prepared and do a little bit of research related to your question. Create win-win scenarios whenever possible. When each person benefits, the likelihood of getting a "YES" is high.

4. ASK with specifics. Be clear and specific in what you ask for. You do not often need to give a rundown of the past 6 months in detail. Time is precious so you need to highlight important facts and ask specifically for what you want. The more clarity to your question, the more likely you will receive a "YES".

There are 3 details I want you to remember: People may be waiting for you to ask them because of their own fears and internal chatter. People naturally want to help people. Your ask can also lead to more asks, new friendships, joint ventures, and introductions to people you show know.

Your ASK matters. As some of you know, my husband and I spearhead a shoebox campaign each year which stemmed from an item on my bucket list. My Bucket List Item is ... an all expense paid trip to Ukraine with my family and parents to deliver shoeboxes to an orphanage in Ukraine so we could see the children faces light up as they opened the boxes. We have sent shoeboxes overseas but I am determined to see the excitement and joy of Christmas in their faces. One day I had a light bulb moment, I made an "ask" to a local school to be a part of my dream. They said, "YES!" We started helping 120 children, 3 years ago and have now we have reached 617. The ripple affect it has had on our colleagues, family, and friends has been tremendous. If I had not asked, the warmth I feel in my heart and the smiles and the tears I saw on the children faces and volunteers would not have come to pass.

How many people are waiting for you to ask? How many people want to be a part of your success story? How much better would the world be if you only made the ASK? Your ASK matters.

I Hope You Dance....

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tap Into Your Intuition

Tap Into Your Intuition by listening to your gut instinct. Get more clear on the message you are meant to hear. Start by being still and alone with your thoughts in a quiet place. Journalling is a great place to get started in developing your intuition. Write down your thoughts without editing. Not sure what to write? Start writing about why you are writing or about what kind of day you wish to create. Journalling is also a good clearing exercise in which you can ink a question that has been nagging you. With a clear mind after a good night's sleep, you will find it easier to focus on an answer or solution. Finally, being aware of how your body reacts in certain situations will often tell you if you are on the right or wrong path. Have you ever had an uneasy feeling when something may have been dangerous? Your body was warning you. The more you start paying attention to your body, the more you will be able to tap into your intuition.

Have your ever not listened to your intuition? What happened?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Batter Up! Are You Playing in the Big Leagues?

Our minds are so powerful. Many of us think we have grand ideas until we surround ourselves with those who think bigger than we do. I do not see myself shrinking in awe but rather standing taller and leaning forward to listen and learn and play in the big leagues. I am planning to play way bigger than I currently am. Have you ever noticed that people see your greater potential often before you do? Why is that? Put your hand in front of your face....can't see much right. You are so close to it, it makes it difficult to see your full hand or beyond it.
You probably come up with awesome ideas all the time. Some ideas you may write down and some float off into thin air. There may even be some you execute. And yes, there are some ideas that get your juices flowing that you talk yourself out of. Why? The chatter in your head is telling that you can't and you mentally wrestle with a quiet voice, almost a whisper saying yes you can.
The "can't" voice might be saying:

• "It needs to be perfect."

• "Who would buy that?"

• Do you really think people will pay that much?

• "Who do you think you are?"

• "I can't make more money than.."

• "What will people say if..."

Challenge the stronger voice - the voice that says “No, you can't.” The voice that believes in you.

Play in the big leagues:

• Hit a homerun! Imagine yourself sliding into home plate and the crowd is cheering as you have achieved your ultimate goal.

• Quit looking for perfection - be innovative. You are unique in your style and who you are is what people want. If you wait too long, you might miss the opportunity.

• Look inside yourself for the wisdom that others are searching for and share it.

• Believe you deserve it and you are worth it. You are no accident.

• There is enough for everyone.

• Be open to learning from those who have been where you want to go. They want you to grow, and so do I!

• Share your dream with others so others may serve you and be open to receiving all the possibilities.

You can play in the big leagues too. When you shift your mindset from playing in the little leagues to the big leagues, you begin to challenge yourself to new levels. Every time you move up a level, you will meet more teachers to guide and challenge you to step up to your greatness at the plate. Batter UP!

What is your voice telling you? Are you playing as you could be? If not, why?