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Friday, June 17, 2011

Quitting Is Not An Option Honey!

tortoise.jpgAchieving your goals and realizing your ultimate potential are the greatest gifts of personal fulfillment. When challenges arise, many people quit their pursuits because they appear too difficult. Challenges are meant to define us. You may have heard the saying that some people quit, not realizing that they are only minutes away from achieving success. If you knew the exact moment that your success would arrive, would you work as hard to achieve it? Would you put forth the same effort, determination, and commitment or would it become an expectation?  Some people may work with anticipation and others may kick back waiting for success to come to them. The ones who work diligently with persistent effort will prevail. There may be times of frustration when you may question yourself, "At what point, do I quit pursuing what I want?" The answer is easy. Quitting is never an option.

What does quitting achieve? Quitting is a self-defeating act unless you are quitting something that is unhealthy like smoking, gambling, or another form of addiction. Making changes achieves more. Quitting is to stop whereas change creates momentum. Do not see changing your journey as quitting but as a decision to do something different that helps you maximize your potential and live your life with passion and zest.

How will you know when it is time to change? When you are clear on what it is you to want to achieve, you will have a burning desire to continue until you achieve what you set out to get. When you have lost your passion and desire to go after your dream or goal, it is time to reflect and decide if what you are doing is serving you or even helping you live to your full potential.

Changing your direction with clarity and conviction will change the course of your life. You will start to see a path lit for you. When obstacles occur, they do so to challenge your desires. Quitting does not serve you or others but changing your direction to one of passion and fulfillment will. People will want to share in your passion and help you achieve your goals. Quitting is not an option nor is it a solution.
"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."
 - Conrad Hilton

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