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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Every Little Breadcrumb Counts Gretel!

Several months ago, I had hit a funk and I was trying to figure out a better system of getting to the gym amongst my kids' hockey schedules and other extracurricular activities. I knew I could always squeeze in a workout during their swimming lessons. I had a personal trainer set up a circuit training program that I could incorporate into my life and adjust as necessary. Prior to this, I would look at the time and say "that's not enough time." I started to catch myself saying this phrase in other areas in my life too, "Not enough time to make a difference."

One day I decided to change my mantra and switch from there is not enough time to one that was "every little bit counts". Think about the bread crumbs that Hansel and Gretel dropped along the way to the Candy House. The bread crumbs were to find their way home. Now bread crumbs are very small, but together they add up. The same goes for any efforts you put in to whatever it is you are trying to accomplish. "Every little bit counts"! It is amazing how much 20 minutes adds up over time and the impact consistent 20 minutes here and 20 minutes there can do. For me, it meant losing 4 lbs during Christmas!

Now every chance I get, I focus on a time frame to get the most out of my efforts. Here are some things you might consider doing to make your life richer and more productive:
  • clean out unwanted emails from your inbox
  • write out 5 thank you notes
  • read a magazine related to your business
  • meditate/pray
  • research tips to share with your friends and newsletter subscribers
  • exercise
Yes, I know several hungry birds ate the breadcrumbs up. Consider those your time wasters. Time is only wasted if you are unhappy with what you have done with it. Phone calls, emails, video games, and social media can consume your time if you are not paying attention. Tracking your time can be a very effective tool in realizing where your time goes. What is your time worth to you? Could it mean more time for:
  • dancing in the kitchen with your kids
  • blowing bubbles in a bubble bath
  • sipping wine by a fireplace
  • snuggling on the couch with your partner
  • proofreading your manuscript or business proposal
  • a leisurely walk in a park

I challenge you. Just try it! Pick a project. Set a timer for 20 minutes and go to it! Do this for the next couple weeks and you will be amazed at the productivity you will have with intense focus.  I would love to hear about your 20 PowerBlaster sessions! Make every minute count!

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