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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Brace for Change and Focus on Your End Result

Today my daughter was outfitted with silver tracks on her smile. Yes, she has braces. For weeks, she delightfully chatted with everyone she encountered that she was going to be getting braces. Her anticipation and excitement about getting braces amazed me. I do not remember my friends or I getting excited about braces. My daughter sees a braces as a milestone in her growth and development. A sign of being a teenager. A sign of change.

Anticipated change can be very exciting. She arranged to have her best friend accompany us to the appointment for support. Thank God for girlfriends. As they were putting the braces on, she asked and asked many questions about everything that was going on. Inquisitive young lady! It is definitely important to be informed and she was not going to miss a beat..."What if this happens...what if that happens..." The hygienist smiled..."It will not be the end of the world." The reassurance was welcomed. My daughter practiced her new smile and was as giddy as ever as she wanted to share this experience with everyone. She beamed...or shone I should say.

A few hours later, she was not beaming. Her eyes welled with tears. My daughter's mouth was uncomfortable and she had difficulty eating. Now, she had wished she could take them off. We brainstormed solutions of comfort...milkshakes, Orange Julius, ice cream, and even french fries. Something soft or cold plus some pain relief. She kept reminding me..."I know I will get use to them and I am going to have a beautiful straight smile." Yes, you will my darling girl, yes you will.

For many of us, change can be exciting or anxiety provoking. If we view change as a good thing and focus on the end result, our efforts do not seem as labor intensive.

"If you change the way you
look at things,
the things you look at change."- Wayne Dyer

Think about an area in your life or business that is undergoing change right now. What type of change is going on? Are you excited or fearful of this change? Here are some ways to help you deal with anticipated change:

Discover Your Support Systems. What people or resources do you have to help you adapt to change in your world? Make a list. Has someone gone through a similar situation?

Be Informed. Make a list of pros and cons. Ask questions about possible scenarios until you feel you have enough information. Ask others who have been in a similar situation for questions you should be asking. Asking is a sign of strength and also makes a person more confident when making decisions.

Brainstorm Solutions. When you are well-informed, you can develop plans of action to overcome any obstacles or unexpected events that may come your way.

Focus on Your End Result. Be adaptable. The path of change is not always smooth, however, when you focus on your end result, you know how great you will feel when you reach your destination and realize what you have accomplished. Visualize it, feel it, and believe it. Doesn't it feel good? Perseverance, flexibility, and focus will be the keys to your success.

Our world is in a constant state of change. You are also evolving and changing into your greatness. Remember you are a work in progress. You do not have to take on change alone, ask for what you want and need to know, find solutions, and see your end result as completed. Don't forget to SMILE!

I am looking forward to the end and celebration but most of all, the journey.

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