Become An Inspiring Speaker

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Do You Remember to Share?

From the time we were little, we were taught to share.Why do we not share our hopes and dreams with those closest to us? Are you afraid that they will laugh or talk you out of it? Focus on your vision. It belongs to you. If you believe you can achieve it, it does not matter what others say, you will do it. With the individuals I talk to, it could be further from the truth. When others are aware of your goals, they are better able to support and encourage you and you are better able to support and encourage them as well. They may recommend people that you need to connect with to reach your goals. Tell them what your needs are. Remember that each person knows at least 250 people and those 250 people know another 250 people. Share your dreams and widen your circle of influence.

Find an accountability partner or friend to remind you why you chose your goals in the first place and what the end result will look and feel like when times get weak. It is during those times that you need to look fear in the face and remind yourself you can achieve so many things if you believe in yourself, your talents, and your abilities.

Many people talk but few take action. What are you going to do?

Share your comments on how you build your circle of influence and how you share your goals with others.

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