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Saturday, July 30, 2011

What Opportunities Have You Missed?

I am visiting my sister and her family in Thunder Bay, Ontario. They love to hike. It has been a while since I have really hiked. The last place I hiked was the Grand Canyon to Havasu Falls. I saw it on a postcard and thought I need to see this. I did not know where it was or how I was going to get there but I knew I had to see it and I did. It was breathtaking and the blue-green water was so pure!

I love adventures because you never know what you will learn about yourself in the process. We began to hike Mount McKay and part way up I started to hear, "Mom, I can't do this." from my 7 year old son. I stated, "You can't or you choose not to. Here's some water." Distractions are great. When you put your focus on how you CAN do something versus how you CAN'T, you can get a little farther each time. Again, just meters from the top, he said, "Mom, I really can't." "Here is some more water." - I responded. There was sweat on my brow, I call it – glistening. Quenching his thirst, we took our final strides to the top overlooking Lake Superior and the "Sleeping Giant". We made it to the top. What a great accomplishment (I was so proud of the kids for trying something new)!

Going down was a bit more challenging than going up. The path going up seemed so steep and narrow and we forgot about the short areas where it was flat (although very few). I think many of us feel that when we attempt things we are not use to doing, new or uncomfortable; we see the path as steep and narrow. There are many challenges that test our minds to see how persistent we really are. Just think if my son would have quit before we reached the top, we would have missed the opportunity to see the fantastic view. Many people quit just before they reach their breakthroughs. They feel they have given all they got when they are just minutes or days away from reaching their destination. Those who hold out - reap the rewards.

What mountain are you trying to climb? How can you distract yourself to focus on your peak (destination)?

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