Become An Inspiring Speaker

Thursday, April 28, 2011

For Your Eyes Only

It is interesting to me that a woman can be so confident one moment and then have her confidence plummet to the ground when someone puts her down or squashers her dreams. Why? Women are the heart of the world. We feel and give so much to others. What I realized more than anything is that these confident women have taken a step back allowed those individuals to define who they are. They hear "It cannot be done or it is not possible to do this if you only do it part-time." This is tragic and we need to embrace each other and remind each other that we can reach for our dreams. Another person cannot define your reality. One person in the whole world does not equal your truth. It may not occur as fast as you want depending on your circumstance but if your dream is meant to be; it shall be at the right time and place for you. You are more powerful than you know. Your kind word, smile, or action can change the world.

Stand tall. The gift and talents you possess cannot be shared by anyone else but you. Do not rob the world of your gifts and talents for the world is waiting. You are the missing piece of the puzzle. Sometimes you need to tunnel vision you dreams to block out the doubters and naysayers. These dream squashers have not pursued their dreams with the passion and tenacity you have. They are scared not that you will achieve your dream but they may lose you in the process. Be not afraid. They will lose you by not allowing you to chase your dream. Remind them that they can share in your dream with their love and support.

Be confident and brave. Summon the courage you have and take action toward your dream. The momentum you create leads to success. You only fail when you fail to take action. Your dream is for your eyes only but it must be shared with the people you know, like, and trust so you can get the support you need.

Define who you are not by a dictionary or by another person's perspective but through your own eyes. The definition of you is for your eyes only!

How do you define who you are?

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